The 2020 Resolution Encouragement Emails Have Begun!

There’s a good chance that life on January 1, 2021 will be kind of annoyingly similar to life right now on January 13th, 2020 ...because circumstances don’t change all that quickly.

People overestimate what can get done in one year, but drastically underestimate who they can become in five years, Steve Pavlina used to say.

Whatever resolutions you made for the new year, they are now your training ground. Confront the challenge of going after your goal this year and it will build you into a different person than if you’d pretended that you didn’t want anything to change.

For 2020 to work for you, don’t just try to reach your goals; this year use the challenge of your goals to extend your reach.

These emails are going to be here for when the going gets tough, and when that time comes, wish not for a weaker challenge, but to become strong enough to face that challenge with ease.

Some circumstances will be different by the time we reach the end of this year, and maybe there will be a success you can point to and maybe there won’t; but you’ll be able to show up to your next New Year’s Eve party with your head held high that your resolution for 2020 changed you into a person with Resolve.

It’s the first week, so you’re getting two emails instead of the usual one, this email, and look for another one on Wednesday.


ps. There will be announcements in the bottom part of these emails after the signature, like this.

There will be some weeks you’re going to want more than just one email cheering you on, you’re going to need other resources, so you might find some extended resources (articles or videos, some by me, some by others) at the bottom of the email if that week you need to go further.

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